Wholesale Enquiries

Would you like to become a stockist?

We are proudly distributed in Australia by a network of national and state wholesalers, making ranging Value Plus Animal Health Care Products in your store readily accessible.

For Veterinarian Clinics

Provet New South Wales (Sydney & Newcastle)Phone: 02 8867 5144

Lyppard New South Wales Phone:1300 232 404

Cenvet Sydney (02) 9679 5777

Provet Queensland (Brisbane) Phone: 1800 777 707 or 07 3621 6000,

Provet North Queensland (Townsville) Phone: 07 4729 3200

Lyppard Queensland Phone: 07 3909 8580

Lyppard Townsville Phone: 07 4779 7333

Cenvet Melbourne / Tasmania / South Australia (03) 8791 8777

Provet Victoria Phone: 03 9540 5700

Lyppards Victoria Phone: 03 8769 0500

Cenvet Melbourne / Tasmania / South Australia (03) 8791 8777

Ellar Laboratories Phone: (03) 9310-3799

Provet South Australia/Northern Territory Phone: 08 8154 5455

Lyppard South Australia Phone: 08 8349 1000

Cenvet Melbourne / Tasmania / South Australia (03) 8791 8777

Provet Tasmania Phone: 03 6232 9000

Cenvet Melbourne / Tasmania / South Australia (03) 8791 8777

Provet Western Australia Phone: 08 9241 8400

Lyppard Western Australia Phone: 08 9240 1910

Cenvet Perth (08) 9249 0600

Provet South Australia/Northern Territory Phone: 08 8154 5455

For Retailers

Eastern Distributors PH: (03) 97933226

Western Pet Supplies Ph: (02) 9607 9033

Central Pet Ph: 1300 236 738

Eastern Distributors PH: (03) 97933226

Western Pet Supplies Ph: (02) 9607 9033

Central Pet Ph: 1300 236 738

Eastern Distributors PH: (03) 97933226

Western Pet Supplies Ph: (02) 9607 9033

Central Pet Ph: 1300 236 738

Specialty Mix Stock Food Ph: 03 9311 5343

Eastern Distributors PH: (03) 97933226

Western Pet Supplies Ph: (02) 9607 9033

Central Pet Ph: 1300 236 738

Eastern Distributors PH: (03) 97933226

Western Pet Supplies Ph: (02) 9607 9033

Central Pet Ph: 1300 236 738

Eastern Distributors PH: (03) 97933226

Western Pet Supplies Ph: (02) 9607 9033

Central Pet Ph: 1300 236 738

If you do not have an account with any of the mentioned wholesalers, please fill out the below form and we will contact you directly.

Customer Information

Phone: 1300 787 041 (AUS) or Phone: +61 (0)2 4571 4211